举高爱自己的旗 才是我的life style
Holding up the flag of loving yourself is my life style
the loveless is always free

我们还年轻 要在这风华正茂的年纪里,制造出一些惊艳到人的风浪我们还年轻 长长的人生不止于此
We are still young to create some amazing waves in this young age we are still young long life is not only this
What about the slow cooker porridge of the fast food era

Take advantage of the young and social death of a few years to gamble my youth on the future either I get beaten up and can't lift my head or let me wind up
我的人生才刚刚开始 应该有数不尽的鲜花 自由浪漫 看不完的风景 而不是困扰我的情情爱爱
My life is just beginning and there should be endless flowers, free romance and endless scenery instead of the love that bothers me

"Who wants to meet you at the top? I want you to look up at me at the bottom of the mountain."
No evergreen tree, just be your own immortal flower